Running contests and promotions on Facebook has always been a staple of many a business. However, the social media giant required businesses to use apps, and only apps, to administer such contests and promotions on Facebook. That now is a thing of the past, as Facebook has decided to remove that third-party app requirement, making it a whole lot easier for businesses to set up and manage contests and promotions on Facebook.
More freedom to administer contests and promotions on Facebook
In Facebook’s latest update to its pages terms, businesses are finally allowed to freely set up and manage contests and promotions on Facebook using their own Timelines, unburdened by that third-party app requirement. With this new freedom, businesses can now collect entries by having users post on the Page or comment/like a Page post; collect entries by having users message the Page; and utilize likes as a voting mechanism for any contest or promo being run, all of which were previously prohibited.
More Pages Terms Updates
Yet another update to its pages terms forbids Pages from tagging or egging on people to tag themselves in any type of content “they are not actually depicted in”. Facebook elaborates by saying that submitting names of a new product in exchange for a chance to win a prize is OK, but asking people to tag themselves in photos of a new product in exchange for a chance to win a prize.
This is great news for businesses, many of whom have complained over the years about how much of a pain it is to set up and manage contests and promotions on Facebook using third-party apps. Still, businesses have to follow official rules, offer terms and eligibility requirements, and comply with applicable rules and regulations that govern the conduct of contests and promotions on Facebook. So be sure to brush up on promotional guidelines just the same if you’re planning to set up and manage contests and promotions on Facebook.
Click here to read the actual Facebook announcement.