Search engine optimisation professionals and website owners are up in arms with the impending move of Mozilla to block cookies from users’ browsers. Gabriel Gervelis talks more about how detrimental this decision by Mozilla would be in an article for SearchEngineJournal.
No more Google Analytics data
Gervelis says that Mozilla is introducing a new “Do Not Track” browser that is designed to block cookies. The problem here is that many SEOs and website owners use Google Analytics to keep track of their site’s performance. If Mozilla pushes through with this new browser and effectively blocks the Google Analytics tracking cookie, site owners will no longer receive any Google Analytics data from visitors on their website that use Mozilla/Firefox as their browser. Gervelis says that in effect, 20% of web traffic will not flow into the Google Analytics account.
Digital petition to stop cookie block
The browser hasn’t been launched yet, but the Internet Advertising Bureau or the IAB has already fired off a digital petition to stop this move by Mozilla to block cookies. I have already signed the petition to stop cookie block. After all, small business owners like me who run websites will get hurt if we get less information and statistics. In this Internet-centric world, knowledge is power and without adequate knowledge of our web performance we become quite literally powerless. If you believe that this decision by Mozilla to block cookies with a new browser would be detrimental to your business, then waste no time in signing the petition to stop cookie block, which you can find here.
Click here to read the article in full.