Facebook marketing has proven to be one of the best ways to grow your brand and your business. With its effectiveness at fostering relationships between businesses and their fans, Facebook marketing has become a must for any business aiming to achieve success in a world that is dominated by social media.
Sometimes, however, some marketers just get a bit too enthusiastic about coming up with a successful page that they sometimes resort to tactics that could only prove to be Facebook marketing mistakes in the long run. When you’re running such a page, it would be in your best interest to avoid these Facebook marketing mistakes:
1. Creating Multiple Facebook Pages
Less is definitely more when it comes to Facebook Business Pages. Maintaining one Facebook Page already takes up a lot of your time. You can only imagine how stressed-out you and your team would be if you had to take care of a bunch of Facebook Pages.
2. Buying fans
Many Facebook marketers buy fans in the belief that it will do their pages a lot of good. What you’d probably get if you buy fans, however, would be a horde of fans from the other side of the globe that are not likely to comment, like and share your posts. With such lack of engagement, you can only expect your engagement score on Facebook to drop. Reversing the damage would then prove to be really tough.
3. Spending a lot of energy on trying to get more fans
Many Facebook marketers stress themselves out trying to get more fans when they don’t really have to. As long as you hit the thousand-fan milestone, your list of fans is likely to grow more organically.
Always attract quality fans
When working on your Fan base, always keep in mind that all your work would be moot and academic if the fans you are attracting are not really genuinely interested in your page, your content, your brand and your products and services. Simply put, always attract quality fans , and the only way to do that is to be as real and as human as possible in your posts.
To test if your Facebook Page can actually attract the quality fans that you want, review your 10 most recent posts on your Page and ask yourself the following questions:
- If a particular post shows up on my news feed, would I be interested enough to engage with it?
- Did I include a clear call to action?
- Would you share that photo on your own Timeline if you saw it in your news feed?
- Is this post educational, entertaining and empowering to my audience?
- Does this post add value to my audience?
Raising the number of fans for your Facebook Page is great and all, but it is not the end-all and be-all of Facebook marketing. It’s all about getting quality fans who are genuinely interested in whatever it is that you have to offer, be it your products or services, or the content you post on the page.