As the name suggests, email marketing is the act of using email in marketing communications. It is a branch of online marketing that aims to promote products and/or services by sending email or newsletters to existing or potential customers. In general terms, it is being referred to every email that is being sent to customers, potential customers, or public venue. If this is something new to your ears, learn about the basics of email marketing below.
Email marketing defined
Email marketing involves the three (3) important concepts below:
- Sending direct promotional emails to gather new customers or convince existing customers to buy some more products or avail another service;
- Announcing new updates about your product, service, website, or brand;
- Establishing customer loyalty and enhancing customer relationship.
Using direct email (to or bcc) or a mailing list, email marketing can either be a one-time phenomenon or a sequence of scheduled blast. E-mail is a powerful tool to promote your products and services online. There are people who, despite not having a website, were able to promote products and services through e-mail marketing and even close a sale.
The benefits of email marketing
According to online studies, email is still the number one activity of Internet users whenever they go online. When you engage in email marketing, your customers will readily receive your updates or announcements through the email you sent even before they log in to their respective online accounts.
Also, email marketing is cheaper compared to common marketing and promotional tools, such as mobile messaging, snail mail, fax, print media, TV advertising, and radio commercials. Hence, this type of online marketing will undoubtedly save you money and time.
Emails are also great customer service tool. They can help you keep your customers engaged and loyal to your brand. There is a continuing conversation, especially if you include other ways for your subscribers to contact you.
As an online marketing tool, another advantage of emails over traditional marketing strategies is that they can easily me tracked, measured, and monitored. Through analytics and A/B testing, you would know which subject line appeals more to your customers or what percentage is your email open rate. These qualitative and quantitative data will greatly help you how to effectively market your product or service through email marketing.
Above all, if done properly, email marketing can give you a really big competitive advantage while increasing exposure, sales, and revenue.
Getting started with email marketing
So, you’re finally convinced about using email as part of your marketing strategies. But, what exactly do you send to your customers? There are a lot of information you can send to your customers including promotions and discount announcements, featured products, price list, invitations to events, and so much more.
There is just one thing you have to remember in email marketing – don’t be a spammer! A spammer is someone who sends email, often in bulk, without the consent of the recipient. Accordingly, spamming is the act or process of sending unsolicited emails, and this is a major no-no in email marketing.
For more email marketing best practices and if you are ready to get started, click here.