Your landing page is one of the areas of your website that could benefit from regular testing to see how effective it is at generating more leads and customers. Those tests, however, need not be as big as redesigning the entire website. In the world of online marketing, even the smallest of experiments could also have as much of an impact on landing pages as major tests. Here are some ideas for little tests to try on your landing page that might just help you get the leads and customers that you want.
Experiment with the form length on your landing page
The ideal length of the form on your landing page can be a bit tricky to determine. With short forms, it’s more likely that more people will be signing up because, let’s be honest, most people don’t really have the time nor the patience to fill out kilometric forms. Then again, these people won’t be as qualified as those who took the time to fill in the blanks of a longer form. For the latter, doing so means they really are interested in your offer. The former make good leads, but it’s probably going to take a lot more time to convert them into customers.
The best thing you can do here is to test which form length would work best for your site. For all you know, a longer form would help make your site fare better.
Instead of a Form, Try “Pay With a Tweet”
This is for people who have already downloaded content you’re offering but haven’t done anything else since then. The next time they try to access any other content that you’re offering, they have to tweet the link to landing page first. This is what the “Pay With a Tweet” system is all about. With this button on your landing page in place of a form, you are essentially getting them to help you find more leads.
Test colours for your “Submit” button
Testing the colours of the “submit” button on your form is perhaps one of the most straightforward experiments you can do with your landing page. To get more conclusive results, always remember that the tested colors should be different enough from each other when you’re first starting out testing color.
Play with your “submit” button copy
Most “submit” buttons pretty much says “submit”, but you can actually change the copy to see what will work better for your landing page. So instead of just saying “submit”, your submit button can actually say “Get Your Free Ebook Here” or something along those lines.
Change the layout of your landing page
Before you complain that this will take a lot of work, even the slightest change like moving a form from the left side of the page to the right already constitutes changing your landing page’s layout. If you have landing page templates that you can use, changing the landing page layout becomes even easier. It’s just a matter of copying and pasting the content from your original landing page template into the new one.
Remove the top navigation bar
Navigation bars have always been a distraction for visitors who get to your landing pages. It’s also not unheard of for other webmasters to achieve higher conversion rates without the navigation bar, so why don’t you try removing it and see if it will work the same wonders for you?
Put more social proof on your landing pages
Humans have this psychological need to do something because others are doing it. That is one psychological principle that you can exploit for your landing pages. Try putting in social share buttons that clearly indicate the number of shares. Better yet, add something like a counter for people who have already downloaded your ebook or whatever it is you are offering. Because of this social proof, you are likely to get more conversions, because that’s just the way humans are wired psychologically.
Realign the images on your landing pages
Images are important for your landing pages, but if they are aligned the same on every single page, you might want to shake things up a little. If your images are always on the left, how about shifting them to the right? With other landing pages, you might want to give center alignment a try. There’s no harm in giving it a try, especially when it’s such a tiny change.
Change up your headline copy
Just like blog posts, landing pages need compelling headlines too to help with conversion. If your current landing page headline isn’t drawing in the leads, try rewriting it a bit and see if you could get more.
Carefully consider how you deliver downloaded content
When someone fills out a form on your website so they could access the special content that you’re offering, you of course have to deliver that content. Will you be emailing the content to them, or are you going to lead them to a thank you page where they can directly download them? Have you given thought to doing a combination of both? Keep in mind that your delivery method to your leads could have an effect on their likelihood to read that offer and take the next step towards conversion.
Give trust seals a try
Do you feel secure enough when you visit ecommerce sites that ask for your home address, credit card information and other sensitive details as long as they have Better Business Bureau or TrustE logos prominently featured on them? If the answer is yes, then you might want to give them a try on your landing page, especially when your leads are giving you a lot of information. With these trust seals, you can assure that the information they’re giving you would be safe.
Remind people to share content they like
If you’re certain that visitors who fill out forms and download the content you’re offering will like it, it would always be nice to remind them to share that content with their friends. If you take them to a thank you page after they fill out a form, try adding something like a “Forward to a Friend” button.
The tips enumerated above involve very minimal changes to your landing pages, but can make a significant impact on your conversion rate. Try some of these today and see what happens to your own site’s landing page effectiveness.