The benefits of guest blogging are manifold, not only for you but to the owner of the blog you’re doing a guest post for as well. As long as your guest posts are of high quality, the exposure to a new audience, the chance to carve a reputation, leave your own fingerprints on the Internet and get a higher ranking in search result pages are benefits that are going to be there for the taking.
In all honesty, trying to maintain the high quality of your guest blogging can sometimes prove to be tough, especially when you are doing a lot of juggling when it comes to your work. Far too many guest bloggers have gone through a decline in the quality of their guest posts because they’re just too busy.
If you find yourself in a similar situation and still want to maintain a certain standard when it comes to your guest blogging, here are some of the things you can do.
Draw up a guest blogging plan
You don’t just dive into guest blogging without any plan of sorts, do you? So before you guest blog, know what you need to accomplish. Do you want to sell something? Then you should identify your audience and demographic. If there are certain points you want to get across as you guest blog, write them down. If you can find or take pictures that are relevant to the message you’re trying to deliver, then do so. Your approaches to your guest blogs should also vary from post to post, lest you end up looking like just rehashing the same old information in your work.
Find the perfect blog for your needs
Obviously, you can’t just guest post for any blog you want on the Internet. You have to find ones that are actually a good match for your needs. List these blogs down, and check them out yourself. You have to establish that the blogs you’re interested in guest blogging for has a wide audience. It would be great if you get a guest blogging gig for established blogs, but it’s also alright if you do it for a lesser-known blog. After all, you have to start somewhere.
It’s also important that the blog you want to guest blog for is a well-designed and professional-looking one. Poorly formatted blogs or ones that just copy and paste content without doing any checks for formatting errors are not something you would want your name and your blog to be associated with.
Track your guest blogging
A spreadsheet is your best friend when it comes to monitoring your guest posts. In it, put in the URL of the blog you guest posted for, the number of its subscribers, the date you guest posted and other details you deem important enough to track. If a guest post of yours hits it big, you might want to ask the owner of that blog for another guest blogging stint after a few months or so.
Create professional and considerate requests for guest posts
How you request the owner of a certain blog for a guest blogging stint tells volumes about yourself. Your writing has to be impressive of course, without typos or errors that will certainly turn off the owner of the blog. Show him or her your work by attaching links to some of your previous guest blogging stints, if any. If there’s a certain approach you would take for your guest post, don’t hesitate to share it with the blog owner. Since guest blogging is a two-way street, tell the guest blogger what’s in it for him as well.
Write your guest posts well
Whether we like it or not, everything about guest blogging boils down to the quality of your writing. Guest blogging, as previously mentioned, is a two-way street. You need to write quality articles that will help you come across as an authority in your field, and the owner of a blog simply would like to have such quality articles published on his or her blog. For your articles to be considered as great quality ones, they have to be well-researched, have a fresh approach on things, written in an engaging manner, have a bit of humour thrown in for good measure, and can be easily understood by anyone who reads them.
If you have loads of knowledge about the subject but writing isn’t really your forte, you can always hire someone else to do the guest posts for you.
Here’s hoping these tips can help you maintain the high quality of your guest blogging.