We all know what a search engine is. In fact, you may have reached this article through a search engine result. Search engines are one of the primary ways that internet users find websites, which is why a website with good search engine presence may see a dramatic increase in traffic. Webmasters kill for that presence. Unfortunately, however, many websites appear poorly in search engine rankings or may not be listed at all because they fail to consider how search engines work.
How search engines release results
Search engines, such as Google and Yahoo, create their search results automatically by using automated software programs known as spiders or bots operating under an algorithm to survey the web and build their databases. They “crawl” the Internet for web files and documents and then analyse the webpages they collected. The data collected from each web page are then added to the search engine index. When a user enters a query at a search engine site, it is checked against the search engine’s index of all the web pages it has analysed. The best URLs are then returned to the user as hits, ranked in order with the best results at the top.
The role of search engine optimisation
While nobody really knows the exact algorithm of these search engines (well, of course, except the people who made them), there is a way for webmasters and web owners to improve their search rankings. SEO or search engine optimisation is the process by which you optimise or modify your website according to the factors that search engines give importance to, such as keywords, links, content, and site structure.
SEO can significantly help web owners make their website visible on search engines and establish a web presence. By following the best practices of SEO and avoiding any black hat techniques, you can rank well in search engine rankings.
If you want to know how SEO can help you rank on top of search engines, get in touch with me and I’ll be glad to help you out.