Sure, big brands have established their names for years already. People already know them by heart and do not need to search for their products or services online. But does that mean they don’t have to engage in SEO? No brand has ever captured 100% of the market. As long as you have a target customer or if you want to continuously grow your brand, you should never say no to SEO.
How start-up companies use SEO to invite customers
A new startup is born every day. They are like babies who start small and walk with baby steps until they grow and be noticed eventually. Startups succeed by taking advantage of what’s available at their disposal. Search engine optimisation, for instance, enables them to quickly establish an online presence so web users and customers can find them. The way SEO helps them is that even if customers are not exactly familiar with their name and their offerings, but because they showed up during their search process, they get to catch the users’ attention.
The power of keyword targeting
Startups can easily get to the top of the competition because they know what customers are looking for through search queries, and use these queries as keywords to their website. Many big brands are not even familiar with keywords. They create content based on flowery descriptions and creative words. If they want to get a bigger slice of the followers’ pie, they should be able to capture those who are actually looking online for the products or services they offer through proper keyword targeting.
The importance of link building
In addition to on-page SEO strategies, startups also leverage on link building to get more leads and increase their search engine presence. Link building connects you to related websites and enables you to capture the audience of those websites. It works like a giant web that connects you to millions of potential customers. Big brands don’t do these actively, only passively – when someone writes something about them or links them as reference.
While startups take time to get up the ladder of success, they actually do something to continuously progress. SEO helps them to do so. If big brands want to improve, as well – and not remain stagnant with their current online standing – they’d better do what startups are doing.