Choosing a good domain name is one of the most important decisions you will have to make for your online business. Domain names are being registered at such an enormous rate that it is becoming more and more difficult to come up with unique domain names that haven’t already been snapped up by somebody else.Read More
Introducing SEO to Small Business Owners
A lot of small business owners are not aware of the power of internet and how it can help them boost their business online. While some businesses have a website, web owners do not do so much about them. If you are a small business owner and are wondering how an excellent online presence can help you improve your marketing and increase your sales, here are the basics of search engine optimization that you need to know.Read More
Optimising Your Website to Perform Better
A website that loads too slowly is an easy way to lose visitors and potential customers. The three top complaints of users regarding websites are often the speed (or lack thereof), advertisements, and broken links. Ads can often get annoying, and they also add to the download time of the entire site.
Website optimisation is the process by which you “clean up” your website to make it load faster and perform better. It involves resizing images, streamlining the HTML codes, improving layout, cutting down texts, and more. Here are some parts of the website you can tamper with you to optimise and improve the speed and performance of your website.Read More
4 Proven Pro Methods for Increasing Facebook Likes
Facebook is a constantly changing and evolving environment where every business is doing everything within their power to gain some traction in the form of a more “Likes” than their competitors. While the idea seems simple enough, getting someone to actually click that Like button is more difficult than it sounds. Attention spans on Facebook are short and as a business you must do everything you can to gain those elusive Likes. Is there a secret formula? Are there things you can be doing to increase your Likes? Yes there are.Read More
Best Practices in Handling an E-Commerce Website
Many business owners think that once they are able to set up an e-commerce website, they can already leave it working for them. Right? Wrong! An e-commerce website, although made to operate on its own, still requires maintenance and regular monitoring. If you have an online shop, virtual store, or any kind of e-commerce site and would want to make the most out of it, here are the best practices that you should keep in mind when handling and managing your site.Read More
Capturing Your Customers’ Attention with Your Email Subject Line
Your existing and potential customers receive hundreds of emails in a day, including work mails, personal notes, online billing statements, subscriptions, and even social media notifications. Good news is people do subscribe to emails and want to receive updates. Bad news, however, is that they don’t actually read all these mails being sent to them. They choose what to read, and they browse through the email subject lines to identify which ones are worth their time.Read More
Getting Started with Your Social Media Campaign
So, you’re finally convinced that social media marketing works and you want to start your first social media campaign for your brand. But you don’t know when, where, and how to start. Let me guide you on how you should begin your social media campaign.Read More
5 Content Creation Secrets Your Competitors Don’t Know
There are quite a few “dirty” words in the English vocabulary and these are words that most of us are familiar with but there is a “dirty” word that shows up in the world of digital media that not everyone is aware of. That “dirty” word is “content.” This single word is powerful enough to send some people running for the hills simply because creating good sticky content that keeps people reading to the end is somewhat of a mystery. Heck, content creation is something that still sends some brands running for the hills in terror.
What keeps people reading? Is it some form of magic weaved in between the words that keeps them going? No it is not. Good content creation is all about identifying your audience and structuring the content properly. Want to know more secrets? Good, then this article is for you.Read More
3 Powerful Marketing Tips To Improve Sales
Some people are born with the gift of sales and marketing and some people are not. A very small percentage of the human population has the natural gift of sales. These people are fortunate, but where does that leave the rest of the population? Are we all left out in the cold? Do we have to depend and rely on a natural salesperson to close our deals for us? No we don’t. Luckily there are a few marketing tips that we can repurpose for many different brands and industries to ease the sales process for those who are not natural salespeople.Read More
How You Can Make the Most from Social Media Marketing
When social media marketing started to become a popular source of income for the few businesses who were lucky enough to see the full potential of social networking, the playing field was definitely leveled in their favor. It was simply only a matter of creating a decent piece of content and submitting it to the masses. It was a pretty straight forward and easy process.
Today, keeping up with the social media world is not quite so simple. The game has changed and there are no longer only a couple of social media sites worth looking into. Now there are dozens of them and maintaining a presence on each one is a little complicated. There are a few tools out there to help with the process, but the overall simplicity has been lost in all the confusion.Read More